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Vive La Revolution!

Oedipal Archetype Missing From Harry Potter Movie

Cinemas nationwide - As hundreds upon thousands of moviegoers enjoyed the new Harry Potter movie during its opening Thursday and through the weekend, a small number walked away wondering where, amidst the magical boy archetype, training story archetype, evil CGI monster archetype, and Good v. Evil archetype, the age-old Oedipal archetype had gotten to.

"There were wizards and evil creatures, and questing and everything else - it was all there," said high school English teacher Frances Willingham. "But where was the incest?"

"I was busy," said Incest. "These 'Your-Mom' jokes just take up all of my time."

The Oedipal archetype, which revolves around lusting after one's own mother, comes from the Greek Tragedy "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles. When reached for comment, Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling noted that "the Oedipal archetype really has no place within the universe of Harry Potter. It wouldn't make sense in the context of the plot, since Harry is an orphan, and it wouldn't be suitable for the majority of my audience, either. Besides, I've already got all the kiddies hooked on pagan-worshipping."

Rowling also pointed out that people could not watch the movie, and hence wouldn't buy a ticket, if they had poked their eyes out.

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