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Cannibals Call for Halt to MMR Vaccination London, UK - Furthering the controversy surrounding the MMR combined vaccine, leaders of the cannibal community today called for a halt to the use of the vaccine, as it "renders the human meat unfit for human consumption." "Until there is conclusive proof that the MMR vaccine has no adverse effects, its use should be immediately discontinued," explained Dr. H. Lecter, leader of the British Cannibal Association and completely unrelated to the fictional character. "Above all else, the safety and quality of food for human consumption must be ensured. If the vaccine could be toxic, then it should not be given to food stock." The British Cannibal Association has threatened a boycott of all human-based products if legislation against MMR vaccination is not enacted within three months. The UK Department of Agriculture responded, "So, you're saying you won't eat people who have up-to-date immunizations, and you want us to stop giving shots?" The remainder of the response consisted of five pages of the word "ha" and a string of profanities. The BCA has is rumored to have eaten someone in
response. Police have refused to identify the victim, but his name apparently rhymes with "Mat" and he was a writer for a world-renowned comedy website.