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Gandhi Very Glad To Be Dead Right Now
New Delhi - Mohandas Gandhi, the “father of India” and a pioneer of satyagraha, or non-violence, issued a statement from beyond the grave today which stated he was very glad to be dead at this time. Tensions between India and Pakistan have mounted abruptly over the past weeks and days, and India’s current build-up indicates an unparalleled hawkish mindset in the Indian government. There is nothing about this conflict, Mr. Ghandi explained, that was in accord with his ideas of peace and social change. "It’s quite simple. Sometimes its hard to make a few billion people understand something, but I think the idea of not fighting is not a difficult concept for anyone to understand. You don’t do it. No, not even a little bit. Not a smidgen.” Mr. Ghandi, who in his non-corpse years was opposed to the partition of India into India and Pakistan, felt that his presence would not amend things or remind people to carry on the ideas of his legacy. “Frankly, someone would just shoot me again,” he said. In an unrelated note, Mr. Ghandi wrote that he has been enjoying Survivor III. “Mark Burnett – I have nothing but the utmost respect for that man.” Mr. Ghandi stated that Survivor is the only reality TV show he watches – the news is too depressing.