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Local Man Misses Point of Molotov Cocktail Poughkeepsie, NY - Mr. John Stevens, a local 34-year-old construction worker, completely missed the point when he mixed up a Molotov cocktail for himself this past Thursday, authorities say. A witness said that he witnessed Stevens completely missing the point and described him as "clueless". "I don't get it," said Mr. Stevens when interviewed. "I've always heard stuff about Molotov cocktails, but whenever I went into a bar and asked for one, the bartender just looked at me funny. So I looked up a recipe on the Internet, and made my own. It tasted terrible! Plus my hair kept catching fire whenever I tried to take a sip. Maybe I'm missing something, but I just don't know what people see in these things." When informed that Molotov cocktails are generally thrown and not drunk, Mr. Stevens dismissed the possibility on the grounds that it would constitute "a waste of good alcohol".