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Vive La Revolution!
Quiz: Are You A Superhero?
1. Have you ever been bitten by a spider?
2. Do you look different when you put on a pair of glasses?
3. Do madmen follow you around and try to kill you while laughing maniacally?
4. Are you weakened when exposed to extremely powerful radiation?
5. Can you run fast? Really fast?
6. Do you own tights and/or a cape?
7. Are you constantly saving hot women from insidious death traps?
8. The same hot woman, over and over?
9. Is the city you live in fictional?
10. Does Marvel Comics own the copyright to your image?
If you answered “yes” to 5 or more of these questions, then you’re probably a superhero. Get out there and start saving people already. If not, keep exposing yourself to dangerous gamma rays, it’ll work out eventually.
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