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It's some movie madness for this vicious Versus! In the red corner, The Fly, and in the blue corner, Marty McFly! There's the bell, and whoa! The Fly's on top of McFly, pummeling him mercilessly! McFly, not renowned for his fighting abilities, tries desperately, in an almost comical manner, to crawl out from under the insect! But what's happening?! There's a flash of light, and suddenly a Delorian appears out of nowhere and rams The Fly! While he's down, who else but Doc jumps out of the Delorian and hands McFly some kind of futuristic tool! "Marty!" yells the Doc, "Take this! I picked it up in the future! It's a holographic fly-swatter!" "Uhh, okay, thanks Doc!" says Marty, who is huddled in a corner, still fearful of the stunned Fly. In a flash of flaming tire tracks, Doc and the Delorian are gone, but now McFly's going to try the holographic flyswatter! He takes aim, swings, and ... oh! It's predictably backfired zanily! He can't hit The Fly because the swatter is only a hologram! The Fly gets back up, strikes, and sends McFly across the room! But wait, the Delorian's back! And there's another, and another! An army of McFlys from the future have come to aid of the original! One of them's brought some kind of gigantic ... flypaper!! Oh my, The Fly is trapped! It could be over ... but wait, all the future McFlys are fading -- they can't exist in a world with a public can tolerate only so many Michael J. Foxes! McFly may still have won though, but -- who's that? Why, it's Biff, arriving just in time to screw things up like always! He's cutting the Fly free-- oh my! As payment, the Fly vomits up some digestive juice, liquifies Biff, and swallows him like a frosty! McFly is looking very, very scared! He tries to make a getaway by standing on his skateboard and hanging onto the back of a car, but obviously there are no cars in the arena! Wait, what's the Fly doing?! He's dragged his malfunctioning teleporters into the ring! There's only one thing more horrible than combining Jeff Goldblum with a bad makeup job -- that's right, crossing the genes of Marty McFly and his pet peeve, "Chicken!" The Fly shoves a hen and McFly into one pod, slams the door, punches some buttons, and ZAP! The other pod opens and a giant McChicken struts out! He makes some angry clucking sounds, and swallows the Fly whole! But wait, what's that McDonald's truck doing here? Why, a living McChicken is a clear and cruel copyright infringement! Golden Arch Commandos burst out of the back of the truck, grab McChicken, and haul him off to be made into McNuggets.