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Vive La Revolution!
The Fine Line Online without the Bravo Channel presents:
And now, from the makers of Inside The Actor’s Studio with James Lipton, it’s:
Inside The President’s White House with James Lipton

JL: Mr. President. Welcome.
GWB: Uh-huh.
JL: Mr. President. You’ve recently announced your peace plan for the Middle East. You’ve called for the end of Yasir Arafat.
GWB: Uh-huh.
JL: Do you think that the mere replacement of Arafat will bring about the necessary repositioning of the Palestinian population’s outlook on negotiating with Israel, or will, in fact, Israel have to make some concessions to Arafat’s successor so that some ground appears to be gained by the change in leadership?
GWB: I think that-uh, ... you should read my peace plan. It’s all in there. You’ve certainly got enough blue cards to hold all of it, Mister Lipton.
JL: Delightful! Mr. President, do you mind if I pilot a tiny submersible through your bloodstream?
GWB: Uh. What?
And now, from the makers of Inside The Actor’s Studio with James Lipton and Inside The President's White House with James Lipton, it’s:
Inside The President with Miniaturized James Lipton

JL: Mr. President’s nasal arteries, welcome.
GWBna: Thanks.
JL: Mr. President’s nasal arteries, what can you tell us about how your Administration and the Republican congress intend to handle the recent downpour of corporate scandals and resulting loss of income and jobs for hundreds, nay, thousands of workers, without incriminating Republicans because of their reliance on special interests?
GWBna: {Sssnnooooooooooorrtt}
JL: I’m sorry?
GWBna: {Sssnnooooooooooorrtt}
JL: Delightful! It appears you’re slicing yourself to shreds with cocaine! An interesting solution! Move attention away from the scandals and gather sympathy for yourself by publicizing at a very convenient time a medical problem! But I think the audience and the public in general deserve from us that we stay focused on your administration’s connec--We break now from our regularly scheduled programming for this special feature:
And now, from the makers of Inside The Actor’s Studio with James Lipton
and Inside The President’s White House with James Lipton and Inside The
President with Miniaturized James Lipton, it’s:
Inside The President's Colon with A Colonoscope

Colonoscope: Mr. President’s Colon, do you have cancer?
GWBc: No.
Copyright 2001 The Fine Line Online. See our disclaimer.
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News In Brief
 White House Aides Discourage 'Monkey-Face' Diplomacy
 Israel, Palestinians Agree To Never Agree, Ever
 Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother - 1900-2002: Planned To Live Forever, and Died Trying.
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